

The Directors, Officers, Employees and Agents of Western AgCredit are committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest ethical standards as set forth in the Association's Standards of Conduct Policy. These standards include personal and professional integrity in all aspects of their activities, and compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.

To help us deliver on this commitment, Western AgCredit provides two different methods of anonymous reporting related to violations of these ethical standards.

Whistleblower Reporting

Western AgCredit contracted an independent 3rd party service to provide a Whistleblower reporting tool for employees, directors, customers, and vendors to anonymously report concerns involving fraudulent or illegal activity including:

  • Accounting, internal controls or auditing matters
  • Violation of law or regulations
  • Human Resource violations

Once the report is submitted, a case number is assigned, allowing the reporter to check the status of their submission, and be contacted anonymously for additional information, if needed. Concerns may be reported by email or by using the hotline number provided. All reports are sent to the Board Chairman and Audit Committee Chairman.

Report your concern: WesternAg Reporting

Toll-free Telephone Hotline: 1-833-208-6147

Association Complaints

Complaints about the Association or staff that are not of a fraudulent nature (not a Whistleblower concern), should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer. If the issue involves the Chief Executive Officer, direct the complaint to the Board Chairman.

Report these types of issues using this Complaints form. Complaints and/or concerns are confidential and anonymous, unless indicated otherwise by the submitter.

Western AgCredit strictly prohibits discrimination, retaliation, or harassment against any individual who, in good faith, reports or participates in an investigation of wrongdoing or concerns.


See Past Issues